Hello All, I am

Ritika Gajeshwar

And I'm a

Bridging Technology and Creativity in Web Development !

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About Me

Full Stack Web Developer

I'm Ritika Gajeshwar. I enjoy building, learning and exploring things that live on the web.

Transforming Ideas into Digital Reality !

My journey as a web developer began with a focus on mastering front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I have since expanded my skill set to include popular frameworks like ReactJs, Nodejs with Databses which allow me to develop dynamic and interactive websites that captivate and engage users.

I am experienced in working with large datasets and implementing scalable solutions to handle the challenges of real-world data.
I have a strong understanding of popular Machine Learning Frameworks and libraries.

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My Services

Web Development

I am a skilled and passionate web developer, dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest web technologies and trends.

Frontend - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJs

Backend - NodeJs, ExpressJs, with Database MongoDB

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Machine Learning

I am a dedicated Machine Learning practitioner with a passion for leveraging data-driven solutions to solve complex problems.

With Knowledge of Supervised and Unsupervised learning, Deep learning, Natural Language Processing, and Computer Vision.

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Strong foundation in fundamental languages like C, C++, Python, with knowledge of Object Oriented Programming

Proficient in Data Structures and Algorithms, optimize the efficiency of code, and design robust and scalable solutions with knowledge of wide range of algorithms.

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Latest Projects

Movie Booking App

MERN Movie booking dynamic application which helps user to create account and book the movie seats.

Yoga AI Trainee

Yoga AI Pose detection and correction wich helps to idetify, match & correct your yoga posture.

Zomato Clone

Zomato Landing Page with its frontend.

Dragon-Dino Game

Dragon-Dino hunting game with javascript- play & score.

TO- do- list

React-JS To-Do-List which allows to oraganize and manage tasks.

Brain Stroke Prediction

Risk of Brain Stroke is predicted by using ML classification Algorithms.

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